Here Is What New York Special Education School Taught Me

Being a mother is a full-time job in itself, and when I discovered I was going to be one, I thought I might as well be the best at what I do. During my pregnancy, I was always involved in working late to ensure a safe future for my child. It took a toll on my child, and in my second trimester, I was told to take bed rest.

Even though my husband made up for my work hours in the office, there was the only limited thing I could do while being on bed rest. Little did I know that despite the fancy hours I was putting into work, the damage had already been done. My child was born dyslexic. This news threw my world apart, and I felt a sudden need to protect my child from the world like any other mother.

It took my husband a lot of efforts and patience to make me understand that the schools in New York were well equipped to make sure that my child still had a bright future. With a lot of effort, I agreed to visit a particular education school in New York, and the functionality of the school completely took me by surprise.

I saw that the school had a therapist appointed to get psychological help from time to time. The session with the therapist helped children in making remarkable development in doing daily chores without any outside help. The dyslexic kids had small groups with one teacher appointed for them so that the teacher could pay full attention to each child without being overburdened. It worked in the best interest of both the people, the children developed trust and bond with the teacher and the teacher was also comfortable in handling a smaller group.

I was also shown the recent development made by children in school by way of a report that was regularly updated by the school staff. It was remarkable to observe the difference from where the kids had started to where they had reached today, and it restored my faith in the New York special educations schools.
